Tickets presale for the All-Star Game-2022. Buy on favorable terms now!

Tickets presale for the All-Star Game-2022. Buy on favorable terms now!

The VTB League launched a limited tickets presale for the All-Star Game-2022. The main basketball event of the year will be held on February 20 2022 at the VTB Arena.


You can become a part of a large – scale show right now! Buy a ticket on favorable terms and follow the League’s news. Ballet on the court, performance of L’One, Basta, Kasta and IOWA, the animated comic Romeo and Juliet, flying drones, basketball in the dark – fans remembered it for a long time and the League is ready to surprise everyone once again at the All-Star Game-2022!

And the League is also launching a competition – among the first 50 fans who bought tickets, the All-Star Game merchandise will be raffled! For more information, see the League’s Instagram.

Ilona Korstin, the VTB League General Manager:
– The VTB League follows global marketing trends, including launching large-scale events for sale long before the event date. The VTB League All-Star Game will be held in Moscow on February 20, but we have already giving the most loyal basketball fans the opportunity to become part of the upcoming event.
We are opening a presale – only 145 tickets have been put on sale on favorable terms. The All-Star Game will be held at VTB Arena-the best basketball court in Russia. And it is better to buy a ticket for such an event in advance.
It is important to note that the VTB League monitors the Rospotrebnadzor restrictions on the sports arenas occupancy and will comply with them all. At the same time, we hope that the All-Star Game will be held with full stands capacity.