The VTB United League Board meeting will be on June 14

The VTB United League Board meeting will be on June 14

The VTB United League Board meeting will take place on May 24. The format, regulations and teams-participants will be approved for the VTB United League 2024/25 season.

The Board meeting will be held in the Oko Tower (Crystal Ballroom) located in the Moscow City International Business Center.

The Board will be attended by the League management representatives, the participating teams, as well as the federations of playing countries.

Immediately after the meeting there will be a press conference. The participants will be the honorary president of VTB United League Sergey Ivanov, president of VTB United League Sergey Kushchenko and general director of VTB United League Ilona Korstin.

Media representatives are invited to register and receive accreditation for the press conference following the League Board at 12:00.

Application for participation should be sent to