The Moscow Derby. Preview March 7

The Moscow Derby. Preview March 7

MBA will host CSKA in the regular season game on Tuesday.

MBA (Moscow) – CSKA (Moscow)

Time: 19:00 (Moscow time)
Place: Russia, Moscow, Basket Hall Moscow
Broadcast: TV Start, League website

MBA: After a bright start to the season, the League newcomer has a decline. In 2023, Vasily Karasev team won only 1 game and has a 6-game losing streak. But there is also good news for MBA fans: Makar Konovalov has returned, which should significantly improve the team’s offense. At the same time, the team needs to return to the winning, because the closest competitors Loko and Pari NN have improved. In the Moscow Derby, it will be extremely important for MBA to focus on rebounds, especially when Nikola Milutinov will be on the floor. The Army team has the best shooting percentage in the season, so MBA players need to limit the opponents offensive rebounds. The League need needs to show the best defense to upset CSKA and end the losing streak.

CSKA: In case of win in the Moscow Derby, the Army team could have won the 2022/23 regular season earlier, but this happened even earlier – and all because UNICS lost in Nizhny Novgorod on Monday. Now CSKA is officially the best team of the regular season and will get home-court advantage in each round of the playoffs. But it is unlikely that now Emil Raijkovic team will relax. In the 3 last games with MBA this season, CSKA won quite confidently and probably plans to win the 4th game against the League newcomer. Moreover, before the Moscow Derby, Nikola Milutinov managed to recover from an injury, who is ready to play today.