Sergey Kushchenko: «I like how Astana operates nowadays»

Sergey Kushchenko: «I like how Astana operates nowadays»

The VTB United League President Sergey Kushchenko visited the capital of Kazakhstan for the game of Astana and CSKA (64:101) and shared his impression about the Kazakhstan club changes in marketing and PR

– Basketball is very popular in Kazakhstan. The meetings that I had before today’s game were very interesting and effective. New Astana management is very impressed with our League and me personally. We see that the right components are developing – maybe it’s not a sports component yet, but the club is changing. For 10 rounds, we see a really improved work in marketing and PR. The website, working with the audience, attracting celebrities and all this in numbers. It is clear where the club systematically wants to go. The direction is right, and we hope that already this season Astana will show success not only in the marketing component, but also in basketball.

In CSKA it is easy to check what fans is visiting games, how he loves basketball and his team. These sections should show the marketing direction. When such a famous club comes to Astana, you can understand who your audience is and who you can attract tomorrow. We talked with the club General Manager about making a special section to understand: who should come tomorrow? How to attract ofther sports fans so that they love basketball more? And I like how Astana operates nowadays.