Sergey Belov monument was opened in Perm

Sergey Belov monument was opened in Perm

Perm celebrated 100 years of basketball in Perm. It included the unveiling of a bust of Sergey Belov, a great player and coach, after whom the VTB United League Cup is named.

The Perm Region is represented in the VTB United League by PARMA, which has made the Playoffs for the last 3 seasons. PARMA is the most attended club since its League entrance, and had an average of 5,500 fans in the 2022/23 season.

RBF president Andrey Kirilenko, PARMA president Sergey Boguslavskiy, PARMA  general manager Aleksander Bashminov and the Perm region governor Dmitriy Makhonin took part in the opening ceremony.