Russian national team wins the Friendship Cup!

Russian national team wins the Friendship Cup!

The Russian national team got 2nd win in the Friendship Cup – over Libya.

Russia vs Libya – 108:60

Stats: Astapkovich (16 + 6 rebounds), Scherbenev (15 + 6 assists), Gankevich (13 + 7 rebounds), Petenev (12), Lopatin (11 + 8 rebounds), Emchenko (11 + 5 rebounds + 5 assists), Martiuk (10 + 10 rebounds).

Zenit guard Aleksandr Scherbenev became the best player of the game.

CSKA forward Anton Astapkovich was named MVP of the tournament. CSKA forward Aleksandr Gankevich was included in All-torunament team.