Ilona Korstin: «The Final Series has just begun»

Ilona Korstin: «The Final Series has just begun»

VTB United League General Manager Ilona Korstin shared her opinion on the Final Series, where UNICS and Lokomotiv Kuban have tie series after Game 2 in Kazan:

– UNICS and Loko rightfully earned their place in the Finals: they won their Semifinals in 7 games and are now fighting for the title.

Of course, after such a challenging battle to advance to the Finals, a certain fatigue can be seen. Loko has an advantage as the team has youth and ability to quickly recover. UNICS has experience and a talented roster that can make the most of their individual talents when needed.

The Finals are emotional, both teams don’t want to give up their chance for the title. Sometimes those emotions even get in the way, leading to turnovers and bad decisions. A cool head and concentration on the coaches’ instructions will definitely be important factors for success.

It is difficult to make predictions now. There are 2 games in Krasnodar ahead, but Loko is playing better on the road than at home in this Playoffs. I’m sure the the Final Series has just begun, and it’ll be long.