Emil Rajkovic and Velimir Perasovic will be the All-Star Game 2023 Head Coaches

Emil Rajkovic and Velimir Perasovic will be the All-Star Game 2023 Head Coaches

The All-Star Game head coaches will be Emil Rajkovic and Velimir Perasovic. CSKA head coach will lead the New School and the UNICS head coach will lead the Old School.

Ilona Korstin, the VTB League General Manager:
– While choosing the coaches for the All-Star Game, the League was guided by the results of the teams and the new All-Star Game concept: New School versus Old School.
As a result, Emil Rajkovic, one of the youngest and most promising coaches of the League, will lead the New School team: CSKA leads the standings with 24 consecutive wins, and now Emil is the number 1 coach in the League. The Old School team will be headed by the most experienced coach of the League Velimir Perasovic: the Kazan team is the second in the standings.
For Emil Rajkovic, this Match of Stars will be the first, and it will be interesting to see how he will prove himself as the head coach of the New School team. But Velimir Perasovich already took part in the League Stars Match last year and showed himself well: his team of World Stars played spectacularly and beat the Stars of Russia.

Emil Rajkovic, the New School team Head Coach:
– I am really proud to be a part of the VTB League and I am enjoying working here for many years. It is a great honor for me to be selected to coach a team in the All-Star Game, and I would like to thank the management of the league for the invitation. Our coaching staff will do everything possible to make the game really enjoyable, to entertain and please the spectators in the arena and on TV.

Velimir Perasovic, the Old School team Head Coach:
– To lead the Old School team at the All-Star Game is a great honor both for me personally and for our club. Last season I managed the World Stars team, so I have similar experience. This event made a positive impression on me.

The All-Star Game will be at VTB Arena in Moscow on February 19 in New School against Old School format. The final All-Star Game rosters have already been announced.

You can buy a ticket to the All-Star Game on the website https://tickets.vtb-league.com/