Best of Andrey Martiuk in the 2023/24 season

Best of Andrey Martiuk in the 2023/24 season

Lokomotiv Kuban center Andrey Martiuk in the 2023/24 season:

Average among Russian players/in the League:

– 1st/34th in efficiency (13.1)
– 2nd/17th in rebounds (5.5)
– 3rd/43rd in scoring (9.9)
– 3rd/15th in blocked shots (0.6)
– 6th/13th in % of 2-point shots (60.9).

Andrey was 1st in points scored last season among Russian players – 475.

Martiuk is the December co-MVP, the season record holder for two-point shots in a single game (13), and became the best rebounder among Top-4 players in the Playoffs (6.1 average).