Two overtimes in Krasnoyarsk — Pari Nizhny Novgorod came back trailing by 10 and got the win!

Two overtimes in Krasnoyarsk — Pari Nizhny Novgorod came back trailing by 10 and got the win!

Pari Nizhny Novgorod beat Enisey in two overtimes in Krasnoyarsk — 90:82 2OT (11:14, 21:21, 16:16, 19:16, 9:9, 14:6)

The bset scorers
Enisey: James Thompson (22 + 8 rebounds), Angelo Warner (16 + 5 rebounds + 7 assists), Vladislav Trushkin (12 + 5 rebounds), Orlando Coleman (12)
Pari Nizhny Novgorod: Jermain Love (26 + 7 assists), Maxim Salash (17 + 7 rebounds), Dragan Apic (16 + 8 rebounds), Evgenij Baburin (10 + 6 rebounds), Divine Miles (10)

Game progress
Already in the opening quarter, the teams made clear the game promises to be very close. Enisey first points in the season were scored by Orlando Coleman. Anton Ponkrashov, who last appeared on the floor in the 2020/21 VTB League season, immediately responded with a three-pointer. In general, the first 10 minutes were not very productive: the teams tried to understand each other defense, preferring not to force the game.

At the start of the second quarter, Angelo Warner and Vladislav Trushkin turned the team minimal lead to 8 points. Using the paint, where James Thompson was very active, Enisey got a double-digit lead during the quarter – 27:17. Nizhny stayed in the game primarily because of Jermaine Love: the playmaker scored 3 three-pointers in a row and then got a shooting foul. By the end of the first half, the scoreboard still had the same Enisey lead by 3 points.

In the third quarter, the teams had maximum emphasis on defense and aggressive in the paint — Nizhny Novgorod was able to get the lead for a short time, but Orlando Coleman responded with 7 points in a row. The fate of the game was to be decided in the final 10 minutes.

Pari Nizhny started the last regulation quarter with force. The hosts could not guard Dragan Apic. His 6 points helped NN to to take the lead in the game. The low pace of the game with numerous delays and call reviews was an advantage to the Volga team. And yet Enisey was not going to give away the win. Two minutes before the end of regulation, James Thompson scored and-one, reducing the home team’s difference to the minimum — 62:61.

The key moments were in the last minute of the quarter. A sharp transition of Timofey Gerasimov ended with NN foul. At the same time, Gerasimov got an unsportsmanlike foul. The teams exchanged exact free-throws and Nizhny Novgorod continued to lead. In the last seconds, Angelo Warner tried to make the lay-up, but missed. A series of fouls helped Enisey: Dragan Apic made just 1 out of 2, while the Siberian team made all. 67:67 — the first Enisey game in the season ended in overtime.

The key moment

Overtime became Jermaine Love and Angelo Warner shootaround — first they got and-ones and then the usual shots were made. The equal game of the teams was reflected on the scoreboard — 76:76 and the second OT. But the guests was entirely lead the second overtime. The best player in Ensiey James Thompson after injury in the first overtime went into the shadows and Maxim Salash came to help Nizhny Novgorod at the right time. The Belarusian forward scored 6 points and did not give his opponents a chance for rebounds. Enisey could no longer fight with the guests transitions and the Krasnoyarsk team did not score even open shots. Zoran Lukic and Drazen Anzulovic coaching rivalry ended with Nizhny Novgorod win.

Jermaine Love debut in the VTB League became a triumph. The American point guard practically did not leave the floor and became the best scoring player of the game.

As a result, veteran Evgenij Baburin spent 43 minutes on the floor and his defense traditionally caused many problems to Ensiey offense. Nizhny Novgorod guard is the leader in both teams.

Drazen Anzulovic, Enisey Head Coach:
– First of all, I have to congratulate Nizhny Novgorod on the win, they played well, deserved the win. As for our game, I am very upset. Especially the fact that we had so many turnovers. During the preparation process in the last month and a half, we have focused on this problem. But today we had problems with this aspect of the game. A lot of turnovers caused the loss.
We can say that we looked tired at the end, but I would like to focus my attention on something else. We had two bad turnovers in the first overtime. In my opinion, at such a crucial moment of the game, the player should die, but not give the ball to the opponent so easily. Although the teams were equal, I got the impression that the opponent was smarter in key episodes and more competently analyzed and read the game, made better decisions.

Zoran Lukic, Pari Nizhny Novgorod Head Coach:
– A very difficult game. The first half didn’t go well for us. In the second half, we already began to understand what we need to adjust. Good, fast ball movement, unfortunately the overtime, which was not needed. I will honestly say that this is not so much Enisey as our mistake. It is very important that we got win after two overtimes. We expected a very difficult game. Enisey starts well every season, even beats the grandees, so in the second half you added energy. Enisey downgrade was visible, we used it, added energy and deservedly won.

What’s next
Enisey: road game against UNICS on October 9
Nizhny Novgorod: road game versus Avtodor on October 9