Lokomotiv Kuban guard Patrick Miller was recognised the VTB United League MVP of January.
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In January, Lokomotiv Kuban got 4 wins in 6 games, and Miller made a significant contribution to important road wins against CSKA (106:104) and Zenit (117:98). Patrick played 35 minutes versus the Moscow team, scoring 16 points, 8 assists and 5 rebounds, while in the game with Zenit he scored 40 points, and the Krasnodar team made 100 points for the first time in St. Petersburg.
Miller averaged 17.0 points (48.5% field-goal shots , 37.5% three-pointers, 79.5% free-throws), 7.5 assists, 3.0 rebounds, 2.2 steals and 24.7 eff. points in January.
Patrick Miller, Lokomoitv Kuban guard:
– So Thankful! Want to give thanks to God first! Want to give thanks to my family and teammates and coaching staff! Without them I wouldn’t be receiving this award! It’s an honor to receive this award but I’m more focused on the biggest award and that’s winning the championship! A lot of more work to be done but receiving an award like this gives me the motivation to keep going and to help my team win by any way that I possibly can!