Ilona Korstin about the Final Series: «There were emotions on the edge, a fight to the very end. And very attractive basketball»

Ilona Korstin about the Final Series: «There were emotions on the edge, a fight to the very end. And very attractive basketball»

The VTB United League General Director Ilona Korstin shared her impressions on the Final Series between CSKA and UNICS (4-1).

«In my opinion, the level was very high, this Final Series had a very hard and tight games, the teams fought to the end. CSKA was objectively better and stronger. The score in the Series reflects that. The team showed more confidence due to a deeper rotation, using the entire bench and distributing force.

I realize that the Series is long and very energy-consuming for the players. But for the fans, it’s the best thing in our basketball. There were emotions on the edge, a fight to the very end. And very attractive basketball, full of memorable moments. I hope the fans really enjoyed the Finals, and the best team won. I congratulate CSKA on a well-deserved win».