20:15 So, it was beautiful night! Vitaly Fridzon defended the 3-point contest All-Star Game championship, young Aleksandr Petenev became the dunker of the night, World Stars tied the series against Russia Stars but the main star of the game was Alexey Shved. Alice and Ivan Urgant entertained the whole VTB Arena, one of the fans won 1 million of rubles and another one – Changan automobile. Thank everyone for being with us on basketball holiday, see you in a year!
20:10 Alexey Shved is the All-Star Game 2020 MVP! The guard scored 42 points becoming the top scorer of the night. it was fair play by Alexey Shved that brought All-Star Game to overtime for the first time in the history.
20:08 That’s all! World Stars won All-Star Game – 164:162!
19:58 How can that be? The whole overtime should be played for the win! Shved got 40, James – 30! Amazing!
19:56 For the first time in All-Star Game history the overtime will take place – 147:147!
19:53 Kyle Vinaleeeeeeeeeeeees! Three with 5 seconds left and +1 for World Stars! Pashutin takes time out!
19:50 The ending is tight! 2-point differential with 1 minute on the shotclock! Russia Stars or World Stars?
19:45 In another time out Changan automobile was awarded! What emotions are on the court!
19:35 Last quarter has started! 120:117 Russia Stars lead and almost 8 minutes left!
19:33 Aleksaaaaaaaaaandr Petenev – slam dunk contest 2020 winner! The youngest participant of VTB league All-Star Game!
ВЫ МОЖЕТЕ В ЭТО ПОВЕРИТЬ?! Алексаааааааааааааандр Петенев – победитель данк контеста 2020!
***⠀ ⠀CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?! Aleksandr Petenev wins the Dunk Contest 2020! pic.twitter.com/KdKBfcVRhh
— VTB United League (@VTBUL) February 16, 2020
19:30 Well, Andrey Kirilenko, why’d you do that? You could give 10 to Petenev for the second dunk! But even now 49 points is amazing!
19:29 Hollins doesn’t give up – his dunk scores 48 points too!
19:27 Petenev continues to surprise! The victory in contest is close if you keep it that way!
19:26 Aleksandr Petenev makes between the legs dunk and joins final!
19:25 Maxim Marchuk – off the glass! Now Marchuk and Astapkovich both have 87 points!
19:23 Windmills are in vogue this year – Hollins spins the ball in his hands but how spectacular it is! 46 points and Hollins makes it to the finals!
19:23 In second try Astapkovic makes windmill too and he scores 43 points!
19:22 The youngest participant of All-Star Game – Maxim Marchuk dunks the windmill and scores 40 points!
19:21 Maxim Marchuk as well as Astapkovich dunks it with his first try – 42 points!
Actually, Hollins made it from the 3rd try and scored 45 points.
19:20 Bam! Anton Astapkovich slam it hard from the first try – 44 points!
19:17 The jury: Sergey Ivanov, Segey Kuschenko, Ilona Korstin, Andrey Kirilenko and Valdimir Potapov!
19:04 Both teams scored over 100 points already in the third. While coaches were speaking to the players the mascots started the real fight! Heat!
18:57 Basketball magic is in third quarter time out! They are juggling 5 balls at once!
18:53 The teams are nearly beating scoring records, which was set in the first league’s All-Star Game in Sochi – back then Russia Stars won with 131:121 score.
18:50 Let’s start the third quarter!
18:42 If that song stucks in your heads after this post don’t blame us:
18:33 “No fun for us, we met in the bus”
18:27 82:79 – World Stars lead after 2 quarters! And we have star guest on the court – IOWA band!
18:21 Dmitry Sitko from Volzhsk wins 1 million of rubles and want to gift it to his mom
18:17 We have another time-out, and final stage of #MillionOnTheWay contest will take place. Now somebody will win 1 million of rubles! Excited? We are too.
18:14 Big Russian Boss: “I was believed to be second Alexey Shved but then I did something wrong”. Show business insides are here!
18:12 Vinales beats Grigoryev and takes 5 points for World Stars! 57:62 – Russia Stars are chasing!
А вот и новинка из будущего: режим ДУЭЛЬ
Максим Григорьев против Кайла Виналеса на одно кольцо до 5 очков!@KVinales1 обыграл @GrigMax19 и принес Звездам Мира пятерочку дополнительных очков! pic.twitter.com/Lv8zlqyxEf
— VTB United League (@VTBUL) February 16, 2020
18:08 Here is another novelty from the future – duel! Maxim Grigoryev from PARMA vs Kyle Vinales from Kalev one-on-one till 5 points! Great!
18:00 This is pure heaaaaaaaaat! Vitaly Fridzon defended the 3-point contest title in additional round in VTB United league All-Star Game!
17:56 With last money ball Fridzon ties Mirkovic! There will be additional round!
17:55 Mirkovic has 19 points in final! Is it win? How Fridzon will answer?
17:53 Tsmoki’s captain Branko Mirkovic hits his second-to-last shot and outscores Malcolm Hill! Fridzon and Mirkovic are in final!
17:51 Astana’s representative Malcolm Hill started with 4 accurate shots and scored 13 points! Branko Mirkovic is the last participant of the round, and he decides who are going to make final!
17:49 PARMA’s guard Maxim Grigoryev scored 12 points. Is it enough to join second round?
17:45 Defending champion Vitaly Fridzon was first to shoot and scored 16 points! Who scores more?
17:37 Are you ready for the 3-point shootout contest?
17:35 Teams got heated – scored 75 points in first quarter combined! It’s time to remember the records…
17:25 Wow, here is a novelty! Alice activated the “Star” mode for Alexey Shved – during 1 minute all his points got doubled! Of course, Russia Stars took the lead immediately – 29:23 and Rimas Kurtinaitis takes the time out!
17:22 Evgeny Pashutin took the time out, meanwhile Ivan Urgant asked Sergei Monia how much does he hate March 8 online. It’s hard for Khimki’s forward – he has wife and 3 daughters.
17:18 Well-well-well, what is it? The game has just started and Mike James already tries to flop! What’s next?
17:15 Hi, Alice! Voice assistant co-host All-Star Game with Ivan Urgant!
17:10 We are recalling that on All-Star Game VTB United league and fund “ANASTASIA” do the charity event to raise money for 17-years old Natalia’s treatment!
17:05 You can’t just come to an All-Star Game without taking selfie with Ivan Urgant (c) Vladislav Trushkin
17:00 Ivan Urgant present players, and they come with their families! That is so cute!
16:50 Meanwhile, they show is on fire! Dance performance, then mascots’ performance and breathtaking Leopard’s appearance from under the roof!
16:40 There are lots of cool events in the lobby! In the Peak zone there is basketball freestyle dance session, next to them gadgets are being awarded, there is a Yandex spot. In special spots All-Star Game 2020 merch is being sold – it’s cool!
16:30 At VTB Arena league mascots’ meeting is detected!
16:10 The doors to the Arena are opened and spectators take their seats. Don’t forget about the lobby events by our sponsors and partners!
15:50 Jonas has already to go to the locker room, but the queues are still long at the autograph sessions!
@JonasJerebko pic.twitter.com/mecdQlrIoM
— VTB United League (@VTBUL) February 16, 2020
15:30 The autograph session with Andrey Vorontsevich and Jonas Jerebko has begun!
15:25 Great mood is the key to a successful event!
15:00 The doors of VTB Arena are open and the first fans have already come! In half an hour the autograph sessions of Andrey Vorontsevich and Jonas Jerebko will begin – look for players in the lobby between sectors A102 and B110!
14:30 Where to watch the All-Star Game if you can’t get to the VTB Arena today?
Firstly, the live broadcast will be on Match TV. It starts at 16:30 and lasts until 20:00 with a short break for news. Secondly, the live stream will be on the League pages: on the site, on Vkontakte and even in the application for iOs and Android.
For the first time in Russian sport, three PTAs will broadcast the inner surface of the arena: Match TV, an entertainment camera and a sport camera. This is the practice of the best world arenas mainly in USA – not everyone likes to watch the kissing cam but many people want to take a closer look at the players and stars who came to the event. The arena will have more than 400 square meters of screens and this the new standard for basketball in Europe, no one’s ever done that before.
Practice shows that the consumer is used to consuming a lot of content through different devices and now there will be a lot of it at the arena.
14:00 While the players are resting take a look on the way VTB Arena was preparing for the All-Star Game:
13:45 All-Star Game tickets are sold out!
13:30 Fact: Avtodor forward, Aleksandr Petenev, is the youngest participant in the All-Star Games in VTB United League history! Today he will participate in the dunk contest with Anton Astapkovich and Maxim Marchuk.
13:20 And here is the full photo report from the teams’ training:
13:15 The All-Star Game hasn’t even started but Khimki had already left a request for the cuteness of the day:
13:00 And here are some photos from the practice of Russia Stars! Everyone is looking forward to the evening game!
12:50 Two years ago at the All-Star Game in St. Petersburg the League introduced the first ever recycled plastic ball – Ecoball. Since the season, Ecoball has become the official gameball of the United League championship. And a special version of Ecoball was released for the All-Star Game 2020 in Moscow:
12:35 Our photographer Irina spied on how the World Stars practice and we share these emotions with you – recharge all day:
12:20 It happened! Sergey Mezentsev and Alexey Shved played one-on-one at a practice session for the World Stars team! The guard of Khimki won but a famous blogger resisted:
12:00 Is Alexey Shved refering to something?
Угадаете, чьи кроссовки? pic.twitter.com/XdXZ2kWXfl
— VTB United League (@VTBUL) February 16, 2020
11:45 The Russia Stars are on the floor now. Players get used to baskets, give out interviews and smile. But a duel has already matured: the famous blogger Alexey Mesentsev has challenged Alexey Shved!
Сергей Мезенцев готовится сыграть 1 на 1 с Алексеем Шведом! Быстрее в наш Инстаграм:https://t.co/N6Boec3YAP
Ваши ставки: сколько @sergeymeza наберет очков в матче против @Shved23? pic.twitter.com/IQUt1cmUDQ
— VTB United League (@VTBUL) February 16, 2020
11:30 A few minutes ago the Russia Stars team practice has ended, and during the session players could communicate with the media. We invited Errick McCollum to remember the basketball players who were born in Ohio. How many could you name?
11:10 In fact #thefuturebasketball has already begun: yesterday on the VTB Arena court a VIP match was held with the participation of media persons. We saw how our favorite game will look in the future:
10:40 It will be possible to get into the stands of the VTB Arena from 16:00 and at 16:30 there will be competitions with visitors and then… However, the schedule of today’s show is on our social networks:
10:30 Hello everyone! We start the live broadcast with the VTB United League All-Star Game! Within a few hours at 15:00 the doors of the VTB Arena will be open and from 15:30 to 16:00 Andrey Vorontsevich and Jonas Jerebko will be waiting for you in the hall for an autograph session.